We almost thought the sap run would never get here. Now we're finally getting a pretty good run. Not as good as some years but, enough to get some syrup. Making it by quarts now instead of pints. Pictured are some of our recent jars of maple syrup made. There's a gallon of syrup in the picture here. The total so far that we've made is around 2, 1/2 gallons. Judging by the weather forecast we should have ideal conditions for the next 7 days. Even if we didn't get anymore, what we have is plenty to last us until next year. But, we'll see how much more we can get. We should get at least 2 quarts of maple syrup from today's boil.
My wife and I raised our three children on our 120 acre homestead in Northern Wisconsin since 1998. We hope to share with you on this blog some of our experiences these past years.
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